"I started NSR a year ago mainly to help my mental health after battling with SIBO, anxiety, and some depression. I wasn't super low at the time, but I just felt like things could be better and my husband agreed. 

A couple months in I was doing a lot better and I could come out of my slumps so much faster. Some food intolerances (or maybe my fear of foods that used to make me sick) improved and overall I could just handle life's little stresses better. 

It got so much better my husband and I pursued our dream of starting a family, and are now expecting our first child. 

I'm thankful for the tools I have from NSR that I know I can use anytime I start to feel down. They have really helped me and hopefully they can do the same for you."

“I purchased NSR almost a year ago and am I ever thankful I did! The main reason I got introduced to NSR was my sleeping problem that I had since my early 20s and it kept getting worse. I also was on sleep prescription on and off since my early 20s and full time on them for the last 8 years or so. Doctors tried to get me off of the medication but how was I ever going to get even a wink of sleep without them?! Plus the meds weren’t working as well as they use to. I was getting very desperate! I also dealt with anxiety, depression and other things I thought was the normal me until I met NSR! After doing NRS for 4 months I managed without my sleeping prescription!!! I couldn’t believe it!! Previous to NSR, just thinking of going off of them caused anxiety before and now I’m doing it without them! I also dealt with a lot of fight and flight feelings. Often I felt internally like something was up when all was normal. My nervous system just couldn’t relax on its own. I haven’t been taking sleeping prescription for almost 8 months!


Other things that have improved since doing NSR are…



Decision making

Letting go of perfectionism

I am more chilled

I am more flexible

Stomach issues


Overall feeling better and happier! 

I’m very thankful to God and NSR for my healing journey!”


"I first bought NSR in July 2023 (6 months ago). I was at a very low time, with severe insomnia and anxiety. I quickly ditched the plan and went pursing the medicine route thinking there was no way NSR was goin to help my severe problems. Oh how much headache and money I could've saved by staying the course. By end of November I was low still and after lots of supplements, several Dr visits later and several sleeping meds, nothing was working. Hazels words "this has to be your last resort for it to work" were ever with me. It was my last resort. Nothing was working. So I got diligent with pause and after a week or so I was relaxing and within a couple weeks was sleeping so much better. (Pause is an important daily cognitive exercise learned in the NSR course.) I enjoyed Christmas and all the activities and a family reunion. January and February went well with some extra busyness and socializing. I aced it! I was seeing improvement still and was so amazed. I was able to lay pinestraw outside, take food to social functions once again and look forward to life again. I'm able to sew again. Say yes to my girls more. Cook and accomplish tasks again that had been neglected. My garden is in tip top shape and soon I'll have canning to do. Today I'm 6 months in. I conquered another task, cleaning the bathroom from ceiling to floor, scrubbing walls and washing curtains. Yes, I still have ebb days, definitely. But looking forward to living again is such a gift. Thank you Hazel. Thank you NSR!"

"There are hardly words adequate, yet I want to give you a picture, for I have received the gift of life. Instead of wondering if I’ll be here to celebrate Christmas, I’ve started a bucket list for when I turn 50, because wait… what am I going to do with all this abundant life? Oh, how I love the present though. Suntanned skin. Wind blown hair. Dirt under my fingernails. Some flowers and a little garden. Running thru a sprinkler with a toddler.
My journey started with marriage counseling. There was a lack of thriving in my health, I had a baby and more, which caused for a nearly nonexistent marriage. The after math of Lyme and more labels didn’t quit coming. I then was led to NSR because I wanted to release tension and relax. And what about all this guilt? I didn’t know how to do it because it was stuck.

Positive shifts I’ve had since implementing NSR:
·All my food sensitivities (wheat, dairy, soy, sugar) are gone.
·Joint, feet, and stomach pain are gone.
·Constipation and bloat are gone.
·Heart palpitations are gone.
·Tension can be totally released.
·My hair has found joy in staying attached.
·I can release and let go of guilt.
·I sleep so good at night.
·I can release fears to a God who is now my friend and I understand his care and amazing plans for me.
·Symptoms while spending time and connecting with my husband are gone.
·Social anxiety so much less and almost gone as I use my tools.

Surprises keep popping up, and most of all, my marriage is beyond what I ever dreamed! This has led to healing in the idea that maybe adding to our family will be joy. That with these empowering tools I will make new stories. With joy I now look forward to growing old with my husband and best friend knowing what crazy, abundant, vibrant, fun is in store for us. All of this is simply because I am safe, enough, loved, and worthy in and of God’s love. I have learned the freedom in trusting. I have learned the joy of a friendship with my creator. I am learning truth and believing it. I have not proclaimed to myself for nothing that I am happy, relaxed, vibrant, and sexy. A year later the very fibers of my being believe it.

When the cloud was so dark and heavy I was given a ladder up, and it’s so amazing up here!
Old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new.
If I can do it… you can too💫"

Listen to this episode from the podcast where Hazel interviews a seasoned brain retrainer.


02. Finding a life of flexibility and health with Jan.

Listen on spotify


Gains from an NSR student:

"I can grocery shop and buy what my family needs without feeling guilty or overwhelmed. And it’s easy for me to buy other things for my family.

I no longer feel frantic like my every move must count or everything will come tumbling down on me. I can sit and enjoy the moment.

The whole world isn’t on my shoulders.

When I sit down to read to my children, I no longer fight sleep. I actually like to read to them and it’s often calming for me instead of just another chore I must do.

Jesus is my best friend. My Heavenly Father listens to what I say, and He comforts me. Bible verses hold so much meaning to me. The old me was always afraid that I would inadvertently do something wrong and incur God’s punishment. Now I know He’s on my side. And I’m on His.

It’s safe for me to enjoy my family and laugh with them. Mistakes happen and I can laugh instead of getting upright.

My nightmares are rare. And if/when I wake up with mind racing, I have the tools to calm down. But often my first thoughts on waking are full of gratitude.

No more pain in my hips! For over 18 years, I went to chiropractor, doctors, and physical therapy w no lasting relief. I can work outside, lift heavy things, and just be normal.

I like myself. And without self judgement, when I become aware of a need in my life, I can change. There’s very little resistance, and if there is, I know what to do about it.

I know the truth of this verse - Be still and know that I am God. When my mind is still, God is there.

I can go to my sewing club again and not watch the clock!! I feel calm there. I’ve actually accepted a position on the committee, and it looks doable.

I have so much more energy and resilience.

I have time for others.

I’ve gained so much on taming the social anxiety monster. I’ve come see anxiety as a messenger and just means I need to listen to the message and show up for myself.

I can eat bran and peanuts without getting painful cold sores.

This one is kind of weird- but I don’t need to use the bathroom as often. Apparently, that was a coping mechanism for me?

My stomach is soft and relaxed most of the time. The old me always had a tense tight stomach, sensitive to pressure and bloated feeling. That’s not the norm anymore!

I no longer have pressure to be everything to everyone. I can let it go and be who God made me to be and give others the same freedom.

I can take in the church services at my church and listen. My mind does not zone out because there is so much chatter in my head.

I see and enjoy nature and I worship the Creator who made it all.

I’ve had many obtrusive thoughts in the past that gripped me w terror. About throwing myself (or my child) down when I was someplace high not because I wanted to harm myself but just because something inside me would make me do it. One day climbing high open stairs, the thought came that Jesus would keep my feet right there on the steps. The fear is gone!!"

Testimony from an NSR student:


"I wish I had known about NSR sooner! I have lived with perfectionism since a child. Only the best was good enough. That mindset puts a lot of pressure on the mind, and I succumbed to depression in my late teens. Medication helped me heal to a point. However, I still lived with a lot of stress over performance. Mistakes were embarrassing, and the way my children behaved was a direct reflection of my competency. Once again I was taking medication to control my thoughts and feelings. As that was no longer working, I began to panic and look for other ways to help. 

Enter NSR. Slowly, slowly, things changed in my mind. I am human, and God allows me to make mistakes became a new truth. Believing that Jesus loves me and accepts me is becoming easier. I am so much happier! I occasionally sing while I am about my duties. My workload has needed to be reassessed as well. I do less in a day and take time to enjoy the beauty of nature. The blue of the sky, the beauty of flowers, and I marvel at an exquisite sunset. Down time has become important to me. I am learning to doodle! Smiling and laughing come so much easier, and I’m even learning to laugh at myself! Social events are less stressful as I’m learning to be more comfortable with who I am. With NSR I have learned there are ebbs and flows to life and I will not stay in an ebb. Also, somatics are tools to use daily to support the nervous system. They are powerful. 

Yes, NRS has been a life changer!"



More positive shifts in NSR students in just a couple months:

“Greatly reduced Chronic Migraines”

“I have way less dark/depression days, instead I have joy and enthusiasm for life.” 

“I can sing in front of a crowd without losing my breath.”

 “One of the first things that happened was I became aware of how much time and energy I was thinking about fears and what-ifs. I feel like I have had a lot less fear in my life since starting with NSR.


"Oh the freedom of not having to know why every little symptom ailment is happening and endless searching for the best solution is for it!"

"Thank you to Jesus and NSR my life is completely changing!! I am much more joy filled and calm!! Church and social settings are doable again!! I have energy to keep up with daily life! I’m a better patient mama and the brain clutter is leaving and I’m finding myself singing and thinking happier positive thoughts!!!!"


“I feel an overall calmness in my life after doing NSR. I am ok with not going all the time and can actually live in the moment, enjoying the simple things of life. For years I have longed for tools to help me deal with the stresses of life and I'm so happy to have found this in NSR!”


“After years of searching... I'm experiencing a whole new level of intimacy in my marriage.”

“My heart palpitations are gone!”

“I’m able to go to more big functions and not be held back by anxiety and because I actually have the energy to go. I’m eating gluten or whatever else I want to.”

“After years of perfectionism, to the point of OCD, I've been able to let things go. Laundry can sit on the counter waiting to be folded another day. I can go to sleep just fine knowing that the kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes!”

“I'm able to process and problem solve again and I don't live with a continual headache anymore!!”

“I can eat MSG for the first time in 15 yrs!!!!”

“I am learning to be more confident in myself, and trying new things! "I CAN do this!" Also I don't have an excuse to be negative anymore. I love that I can always always find a reason to be positive.”


“Since I started brain training I have gone from hobbling down the stairs one step at a time to running up and down again. I have fallen on the ice twice this winter and have not needed to go see a chiropractor afterwards. I haven’t been sore at all! So much tension is gone from in my body and that’s not even what I was doing brain training for! Yay for NSR!!”


"I’ve had hip problems for over 18 years. I’ve been to the chiropractor many times, been adjusted, just to have the pain return the same day or the next. I’ve tried physical therapy that worked as long as I went to it and did the exercises. We bought a mattress set hoping that would help. I would wake up so stiff and sore dressing was a challenge. Sitting hurt. Standing hurt. Bending over hurt. Even sneezing hurt. But NSR has changed all that!! As the tension leaves my body, as I’ve met my core need of safety, the pain has left too! I don’t even think about being careful not to bend over wrong or how am I going to put shoes on. I just do what I need to do cause my body is fine."


“I am not as tired, and I do not lie awake for hours at night like I used to! NSR has taught me that there are tools available.”

“Energy AFTER a day of shopping!! friends talking about feet hurting during the day and mine were feeling just fine! (Sore feet used to be me!)”

“I feel a lot more free since I started NSR!.... I am starting to look people in the eyes and I enjoy social deals! I can be myself and be fine with that! I am enough!”

“Less painful periods! True story. In the past I've needed to take 4-8 Advil a day for 2 or 3 days during my period. But not anymore!!! My body is more relaxed and regulated. I no longer rely on any meds to function on those days!”

“I can eat pineapple now with no bloating.”

“I can claim my worth as enough.. more than enough. Amazing. Release and leave behind guilt as I look in the mirror or as I think and live with my spouse. Embracing the capable resourced beautiful and amazing person God created and said it is good.”

“I feel more relaxed in social settings, church etc. I can sit there and not be on edge or feel anxiety the whole time.”

“ NSR has been super effective for me! I was quite skeptical going into it, but it’s helped me so much. I’ve been wishing that these tools were common knowledge because there are so many people that could benefit from using them.”

“Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD) is so much better.”

“My brain fires so much better than before. Decisions are easier to make. And the energy. So much energy to accomplish things. The overwhelm that came from daily tasks is gone. I want to do these tasks and am motivated to do new projects. I am excited for the future and find myself hopeful and able to dream again. My baseline mood is elevated. I can laugh easier. I actually want to instigate social interactions. My brain feels lighter and so much healthier. I am motivated to consistently go to the gym.”


“I am so thankful for NSR! NSR has given me my life back! I can smile and laugh and enjoy life again, take care of my family, help others, and be calm in social settings, along with other things too! It’s totally worth the effort and I 100% recommend it!”


"I'm so grateful for NSR. I live in a ticklish situation and I went down a very dark road for awhile .. my health was rapidly going downhill along with my mental and emotional state. I had almost lost hope ..my only 'joy' was I longed for heaven.. i knew someday it would end. Idk how I had the courage to get up and face the days. I did hundreds of dollars worth of doctoring.. stress tests for my heart .. blood tests. Seizure monitors .. seizure meds and tests were nothing new to me. I was scared to start brain retraining because I was scared it wouldn't work and I would feel like a failure. 

But it's been an amazing journey and I have hope for the future❤️ 

(Currently I don't take any prescription meds!!!)”

"Recent labs for thyroid disorder came back very normal which I haven’t seen in a looooong time!"