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Practice what you really want.

Oct 15, 2023

Your brain will constantly rewire itself to suit the information that you feed into it. If you constantly complain, gossip, find excuses, it will make it much easier to find things to be upset about, regardless of what is happening around you. Likewise, if you constantly search for opportunities, abundance, love, and things to be grateful for, it will make it much easier to find a reflection of those things around you.

Now let’s take a physical example: Let’s say you have just bought a new vehicle; this new vehicle is a Toyota Highlander. After having it you start to notice how many Toyota Highlanders there really are. You see them here and there and there seems to be a lot all of a sudden. The truth is, there is no more Toyota Highlanders around you now that you bought one yourself then there was the day before. BUT, your brain has attached meaning to this kind of vehicle. You have a personal attachment to this Toyota of yours. Your brain has got feedback that Toyotas are your interest, so it is now on the lookout for Toyotas. They were always there; they just weren’t important until now.

This goes to show how our brain is always taking notes, what’s important?

Feeling sorry for yourself?

Practice what you really want, and it will come easier. It takes time but it is worth it in the end. What you feed your brain (positive or negative) becomes its most automatic way of responding and seeing life.

Your brain is neuroplastic, changeable. Use it for the good.


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