Our nervous system has states. States of survival. These states are part of the polyvagal ladder. At the very top of the ladder is Ventral vagal/friendly (the place of healing/homeostasis). Going down from there is a list of states. Below is the list.
Fight or flight/sympathetic (“I must fight or flee!”)
Fawn (negligence of oneself)
Freeze (“I must fight or flee but I can’t.)
Dorsal vagal/shutdown (“I can’t.”)
You could have the best diet, do the right exercise, make very rigid food choice, eat your vitamins, detox, do the treatments, but still be in one of these survival states. When our bodies are in these states, we are not in a place of homeostasis. Homeostasis is your body’s ability to rest, digest, and heal on its own. We have a built in, God-given system, that when given the right resources, works wonderfully. These states are not bad. They are part of the human experience, and a healthy individual should be able to bounce from one to the next throughout their day and life. They become a problem when they are our dominating state in our life instead of the healthy/friendly state. It wears the body down and we end up with a host of symptoms. When we give our body the right resources, the state of homeostasis is accessible, and all manner of healing happens. We often get asked, can NSR help for this, or that? The truth is, the list of symptoms and illnesses that nervous system healing helps is long, but constantly getting added to. NSR gives you the resources and tools to help bring your nervous system out of these states of survival and into it’s natural place of healing, homeostasis. It helps you get to a place where the top of the ladder is your dominating state in your life.
Which one of these states do you feel you are constantly in? Purchase our course to learn in detail how these states may be portraying themselves in your life and what to do about it. You will learn specific somatic exercises to help guide you to healing.
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