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Change can seem so scary.

Oct 15, 2023

Our protector brain procrastinates as a way to protect us. It feels safer to stay stuck then take the leap. Even though we can feel so miserable in illness and dysregulation, it can feel too unfamiliar to live a life free from illness. Sounds funny but it's our protector brain at work.

Change seems scary. Uncertain. Who would I be without the label? What would my identity even be?

Take the leap. Recognize that continually pushing off healing for a 'better' time. Is our brains way of trying to protect us.

The time is now. Today make one tiny choice, step, or move towards the healing you really do desire.

It might seem scary, but I promise it is worth it! So worth it.

Love and light,

Learn how taking a new approach to healing could be your answer. Check out ourĀ life changing 3-week nervous system healing course!

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