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You live better when you....

Nov 30, 2023

Do you often feel like you are floundering? You have an emotion, trigger, or sensation and don’t feel like you are self aware enough to see it beyond what is happening in the moment? Then yo also feel super stuck, not knowing how to get out of it or what step to take next. What if you could understand a little more so that you could navigate these stimuli with just a little more grace and progress? 

With nervous system healing work, we teach clients to become curious. There is a story going on underneath. With time we can learn to navigate these stories with choices, resources, and tools that are effective.  

I recently came across this list, which I have added too, that I would like to share with you. Take your time to truly read these, do they resonate with you? Try one of them next time. 


You live better when you... 

Meet burnout with boundaries. 

Meet jealousy with humor. 

Meet anxiety with grounding. 

Meet insecurity with mindfulness. 

Meet depression with sunlight.  

Meet loneliness with volunteering.  

Meet anger with exercise.  

Meet heartbreak with self-compassion. 

Meet worry with affirmations. 

Meet guilt with realignment.  

Meet grief with tenderness.  

Meet triggers with curiosity.  

Meet powerlessness with gentle movement. 

Meet abundance with pauses. 

Together with all of this, meet life with prayer. 



Learn how taking a new approach to healing could be your answer. Check out ourĀ life changing 3-week nervous system healing course!

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